Traditional product of Baoding, China
Dimensions: Box (4" x 2"), Balls (1.75")
Baoding balls contain built in chimes, one with a high note and one with a low note which produce a calming effect on the mind.
According to the Chinese, ‘Qi’ or the vital life energy passes through channels or pathways called ‘Jung Luo’ meridians. Several acupuncture points are distributed along these meridians. These points correspond to different organs of the body. Applying pressure on these points can help unblock the channels, thereby allowing the life energy to circulate within the body. Chinese believe that the fingers are connected with the human cranial nerve and various vital organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, kidney, spleen, gallbladder, stomach, and the intestines. Thus, manipulating or rotating these exercise or dexterity balls helps stimulate these meridians, thereby enhancing the circulation of life energy.