What is a Jericho (Rose) Flower & How to Use it - East Meets West USA

What is a Resurrection Plant?

This ancient flower can go by many names such as Rose of Jericho, Resurrection Flower or Revival Flower due to it's unique ability to survive without water for years. This rare flower comes from parts of Africa and the Middle East regions. Jericho Flowers are known as the "nomads" of the fern family, as they tumbles across regions, until they find some water; similar to tumbleweeds. The Jericho Flower, gets it's name from the biblical city of Jericho due to it's ability to keep being reborn "from it's ashes". When the Jericho flower is in it's dormant state, it resembles a tightly, curled brown ball with tiny fibrous roots. The Jericho Flower can live decades in this state until it's given some water. However, once a Jericho Flower has been fed water, it begins to open up, revealing greenish fronds. Some Jericho Flowers can surprise us and  bloom beautiful white buds.

Jericho Flower in a bowl with a Healing Crystal

Rose of Jericho Meaning

Jericho flowers are often associated with miracles and the power of faith. Jericho flowers have come to symbolize the idea that even seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome through faith and determination. The symbolism of the Jericho flower can be applied to our own lives as well. Just like these flowers, we too can overcome the challenges and obstacles that come our way. The key is to have faith, stay focused, and keep moving forward, no matter how difficult the journey may seem. When we put our trust in a higher power, we can find the strength to overcome anything.


How to use a Jericho Flower

This is a great plant to keep in your house as it's said to erase negative influences and bring into your life peace, abundance and harmony. Keeping a Jericho flower in your home will bring many blessings into the household. Additionally, in some cultures, a Jericho Flower is given to women in labor so that it could sync with the contractions. Once the Jericho Flower was fully opened, the mother would be fully dilated.

What you need to revive the Jericho Flower

  • Wide, shallow dish
  • Pebbles to spread across the bottom of the dish
  • Distilled, room-temperature water
  • A bright spot with indirect sunlight

Jericho Rose in a Green Dish

How to take care of a Jericho Plant

Taking care of a Jericho Flower is a breeze as it's a very low maintenance plant. Place this flower into a saucer with enough water to submerge the roots and watch it slowly open up. Do not submerge the entire plant in water, this will cause mold. Only the roots (fibrous strands on back of flower) should touch water. Once a week, let the Jericho flower go completely without water for a day and dry up.


FAQ (frequently asked questions) about the Jericho Flower

  1. Is this poisonous to pets? Yes, this plant can be toxic to dogs and cats
  2. Does the Jericho Flower bring in prosperity even when it's dormant? Yes
  3. What can I do to enhance prosperity with the Jericho Flower? You can put coins in addition to small crystals while the flower has opened up. Pro tip: let the flower dry up with the coins and crystals so that they remain inside
  4. Where can I buy one? You can purchase them here
  5. Can I eat this? Simply put, NO
  6. Where can I store this plant? There is no specific place this flower can be put. Although we do recommend using the art of "Feng Shui" for prosperity
  7. Can I keep the Jericho Flower outside? You want to keep the temperature for this flower consistent. Keep in mind this plant originates on desert climates.
  8. How often do I change the water? Everyday

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