East Meets West Blogs

What Are Energy Cleansing Sprays?
What are Energy Clearing Sprays?
Energy cleansing sprays are modern tools rooted in ancient practices of purifying spaces and individuals from nega...

Healing Crystals for Change (Transformation)
5 Crystals for Change
Crystals are powerful conductors of energy with the ability to transform our lives. There are tons of different stones out th...

What is Black Salt (Uses in Spells & Rituals)
What is Black Salt?
Black salt has been used for many centuries for protection, cursing, hexing, banishing and reverse magick. Black salt absorbs ...

The 6 Best Crystals for Fertility, Family and Pregnancy
Crystals for Fertility
There are seven main chakras in our physical energy body, each one governing the organs, muscles, and bones of that area of ...

Top Healing Crystals for Back to School
Our Best Crystals for School
Fall is right around the corner so that means that back to school season is as well! As summer comes to a close, many ...

Healing Crystals for Lunar Eclipse
Best Crystals to Use During a Lunar Eclipse
What is Lunar Eclipse?
A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs during a full moon phase.This occu...

6 Crystal Shapes, Meanings and How to Use
Crystal Shape Meanings
Crystals occur in many shapes and sizes and can be cut, polished, tumbled and otherwise shaped by humans to suit their purpo...

How to Use Tarot Cards with Oracle Decks
How to Use Tarot Cards with Oracle Decks
Did you know that you can enhance your Tarot readings by using an Oracle deck as well? Certain tarot deck...