Dimensions: 4"
Green: Wealth
Yellow: Protection
Pink: love
White: Purification
You may want to "dress your candle to meet your needs. "Dressing" a candle is putting specific oil and herbs on the candle all the white infusing it with your intention. Visit our herbs section and anointing oils for more information.
Intention candles, also known as ritual candles or spell candles, are candles that have been specifically created and charged with a particular intention or purpose in mind. They are often used in various spiritual, metaphysical, and magical practices to focus and amplify one's desires, wishes, or goals. The concept behind intention candles is to harness the energy and symbolism of the candle, combined with the power of focused intention, to bring about desired outcomes or changes in one's life.
Please note: all of our candles are non-returnable or non-refundable if used