Candle Magic: How to Use Ritual Candles - East Meets West USA

How to Use Candles for Rituals

What is Candle Magic?

Candle magic is the art of manifestation or return of energy using candles. It may sometimes involve oils, herbs, and incense to complete different rituals or spells. Candle magic can be found in all parts of the world through many different backgrounds of magical practices. While you may think you have little or no experience with candle magic, if you have ever wished on a birthday candle you most definitely do! Candle magic can be as simple as making a wish over a specific-colored candle to bring it to reality. There are other things you can do while performing candle rituals such as cleansing your space and your tools, dressing your candle with oils and herbs and incorporating crystals or other items as offerings with your candles.

How to Choose a Candle for Spells & Rituals

Candle Color Guide and Correspondences

When choosing a candle, it is best to work off color magic. Different colors have different correspondences.

Red Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

A red candle symbolizes passion, love, and intense emotions, making it a powerful tool for attracting romantic relationships or enhancing existing ones. It is also associated with strength, courage, and vitality, often used in rituals to boost confidence and determination. The vibrant energy of red can help ignite personal power and drive, making it ideal for spells related to ambition, protection, and overcoming challenges. Whether you seek to deepen a connection, invoke courage, or stimulate energy, a red candle can amplify your intentions and manifest your desires

Orange Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

In spells and rituals, an orange candle symbolizes creativity, enthusiasm, and joy. It is often used to stimulate mental agility and attract new opportunities, making it a powerful tool for those seeking inspiration or embarking on new ventures. The vibrant energy of orange also promotes success and prosperity, helping to clear obstacles and bring about positive change. Additionally, orange candles can be used to boost confidence, encourage social interactions, and foster a sense of adventure

Yellow Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

A yellow candle represents intellect, clarity, and communication. It is often used to enhance focus, stimulate mental processes, and promote learning, making it an ideal tool for students or anyone seeking to improve their cognitive abilities. Yellow candles are also associated with joy, happiness, and positive energy, helping to uplift spirits and attract optimism. Additionally, they can be used to strengthen communication skills, making them useful in spells aimed at improving relationships or facilitating better understanding in social interactions

Green Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

A green candle symbolizes growth, abundance, and renewal. It is closely associated with nature, fertility, and financial prosperity, making it a powerful tool for attracting wealth and success. Green candles are also used for healing and balancing, promoting physical and emotional well-being. They can help manifest new beginnings, foster personal growth, and enhance luck in various endeavors.

Blue Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

In spells and rituals, a blue candle symbolizes peace, tranquility, and healing. It is often used to promote calmness and emotional balance, making it ideal for meditation and stress relief. Blue candles are also associated with communication, wisdom, and truth, helping to enhance clarity and honesty in interactions. They can be used in rituals aimed at spiritual growth, protection, and seeking guidance.

Purple Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

A purple candle represents spirituality, wisdom, and higher consciousness. It is often used to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual awareness, making it a powerful tool for meditation and divination practices. Purple candles also symbolize royalty and power, making them ideal for rituals aimed at ambition, success, and manifestation of goals. They are associated with transformation and healing on a deep soul level, helping to release negative energy and promote spiritual growth

Pink Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

Pink symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is often used to attract romantic love, enhance friendships, and foster deep connections with others. Pink candles are also associated with self-love and nurturing, promoting feelings of warmth and kindness towards oneself and others. They are ideal for rituals focused on healing emotional wounds, restoring harmony in relationships, and promoting forgiveness. Additionally, pink candles can be used to invoke feelings of peace, joy, and happiness, creating a loving and supportive atmosphere. 

White Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

White symbolizes purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. It is often used to invoke divine guidance, protection, and healing. White candles are associated with cleansing and purifying energy, making them ideal for rituals aimed at clearing negative influences or starting anew. They represent peace, truth, and unity, helping to create a sacred space for meditation and reflection. White candles can also be used in rituals to honor ancestors, connect with higher realms, and enhance spiritual awareness.

Black Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

A black candle symbolizes protection, banishment of negativity, and grounding. It is often used to absorb negative energy, ward off malevolent forces, and provide a barrier against psychic attacks. Black candles are also associated with introspection, transformation, and releasing old patterns or habits. They are powerful tools for rituals aimed at breaking free from obstacles, overcoming adversity, and promoting resilience. Additionally, black candles can be used in rituals related to honoring the deceased or ancestors, as well as for divination practices to explore deeper mysteries and hidden truths

Brown Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

Brown symbolizes stability, grounding, and the nurturing energy of the Earth. It is often used to connect with nature, promote concentration, and foster a sense of security and stability. Brown candles are associated with practicality, reliability, and manifesting material goals. They are ideal for rituals aimed at career success, financial abundance, and creating a solid foundation for future endeavors. Additionally, brown candles can be used in rituals related to finding lost items, home blessings, and honoring the cycles of nature

Gold Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

Gold candle symbolizes prosperity, success, and achievement. It is often used to attract abundance, wealth, and financial opportunities. Gold candles also represent high energy and spiritual enlightenment, making them ideal for rituals aimed at achieving personal growth and spiritual transformation. They symbolize the divine masculine energy, associated with power, leadership, and authority. Gold candles can be used to honor solar deities and invoke their blessings, as well as to bring clarity and focus to intentions related to goal-setting and ambition.

Silver Candle Meaning for Spells and Rituals

In spells and rituals, a silver candle symbolizes intuition, reflection, and the feminine divine. It is often used to enhance psychic abilities, dreams, and intuition, making it a powerful tool for divination and spiritual guidance. Silver candles are associated with the lunar energy, representing cycles, emotions, and the subconscious mind. They can be used in rituals aimed at connecting with the mystical aspects of life, exploring inner realms, and seeking wisdom from the unconscious. Silver candles also symbolize purity, clarity, and harmonious relationships, making them ideal for rituals focused on emotional healing, reconciliation, and nurturing connections with others.  

How to Dress a Candle for Spells and Rituals

To dress your candles, you want to start off by cleansing them. Our favorite way to cleanse is with one of our favorite incense scents such as the Sage and Santo sticks from Wildberry or the HEM Dragon’s Blood incense sticks. To cleanse your candles bathe them in the smoke of the incense. During this time, cleanse any other items that you are using. After your items are cleansed you can be begin to dress your candles with the oil that corresponds with your needs. For example, if you are drawing in money try an oil specifically made for that intention, such as our money drawing oil. Take your candle in your hand and rub the oil clockwise to draw in energy to you and counterclockwise to send a certain energy away from you.  After if you have any specific herbs that match your intention, you can cover your candle with them. Roll your candle through your herbs that match your intention, they should stick to the candle after it is covered in the oil. If doing a money ritual try Golden Seal Root or our Quick Money Herbal Blend.  Check out our video on dressing a return to sender candle.

Check out our video on dressing a return to sender candle here.

Different Types of Ritual Candles

Some candles come with pre-charged intentions such as our Crystal Journey Candles and our Shaman’s Dawn Candles. These candles will often come with a saying or phrase for you to use during your ritual. Other candles will come plain in a few different forms. The most popular are jars, chimes, and pillars. Jars are a great choice for those who do not want wax to drip everywhere, but for others, wax is a very important part of seeing if the ritual they did was successful. For those looking to get into wax reading, pillars and chimes may be your best option. Pillars, especially large ones, can be great for rituals that need to take place over multiple days. The candle can be re-lit to continue the ritual beyond its first day. Chimes and votives, on the other hand, are great for quick rituals. These small candles have a much shorter burn time than their larger companions, making their intentions come to fruition in a much quicker manner. 

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